"Compound Interest Calculator Professional" is a compound interest calculator.The following four types of calculations are possible.You can select yearly or monthly as the compounding cycle and accumulation frequency.[Future amount calculation]Calculate the future amount from the principal, reserve amount, and interest rate.If you enter the reversal amount instead of the accumulated amount, the future amount will be calculated if the principal is used while reversing the principal.[Calculation of reserve/withdrawal amount]Calculate how much you need to save each period to reach the set future amount.Depending on the input value, the amount that can be withdrawn for each period is calculated.[Calculation of required number of years]Calculates how many years it will take to reach the future amount using the entered savings amount and interest rate.If you enter a reversal amount, we will calculate how many years it will take to reach the entered future amount if you invest while reversing the principal.[Required interest rate calculation]Calculate the interest rate you need to operate at in order to reach the future amount based on the input savings amount and number of years.If you enter the reversal amount, we will calculate what percentage is required to reach the entered future amount if you operate while reversing the principal.Please use it for simulation of asset management such as Tsumitate NISA & iDeCo.《About using the app》You may use this service on the condition that you agree to the terms of use.A usage contract will be established between the user and the Company when the user starts using the app.If the user is a minor, please obtain the consent of a parent or other legal representative before using this service.Click here for terms of usehttps://cicalc-74e14.web.app/info/#terms